Dragon warrior monsters 2 rom hack
Dragon warrior monsters 2 rom hack

dragon warrior monsters 2 rom hack

Also bring lots of lovewaters, meat treats, and anything else that's usefull(like warpwings and warpstaffs.)ģ. Bring those monsters with you on your journy to a travelers gate with stronger monsters in it. Preferably a male and female which you will breed when they get the right skills.Ģ. Capture 2 monsters that have never been breed,and have the skills you want. To bring out a monsters best skills you should.ġ.

#Dragon warrior monsters 2 rom hack plus

Get monster's best skills plus breeding tips When he asks you if you want to hatch the egg for a specific amount of money say yes. To get Gophecada go to the breeding and hatching center and breed a Madcat and a Giantslug together and you will get a Gophecada egg. You must breed together a Servant and Great Drak, with Servant being the Get the Dragonlord from the original Dragon Warrior To get a landowl breed a bullbird with a monster from the beast family. To get Darkdrium combine DeathMore 3rd form as the pedigree and combine it with Watabou.(After all this work is done you will have the ultimate monster in the whole game).To get Deathmore 3rd form combine DeathMore 2nd form as the pedigree and combine it with Modou.To get DeathMore 2nd form combine DeathMore as the pedigree and combine it with Armorpion.To get DeathMore combine Mirudraas 2nd form or Mirudraas as the pedigree and combine it with Zoma or also combine Zoma with Mirudraas or MIrudraas 2nd form.To get Modou combine Baramos as the pedigree and breed it with a DarkHorn.To get Mirudraas's 2nd form combine Mirudraas as the pedigree and breed it with a Spikerous.To get Mirudraas combine Esterk as the pedigree and breed it with a Goldslime.To get Esterk combine Pizzaro as the pedigree and breed it with a KingLeo.To get Pizzaro combine Durran as the pedigree and breed it with a Divinegon.To get Zoma combine Dracolord/Dracolord 2nd form as the pedigree and breed it with Sidoh.To get Baramos combine Hargon as the pedigree and breed it with a Orochi.To get Sidoh combine a Jamirus as the pedigree and breed it with a Rosevine.To get Hargon combine a WhiteKing as the pedigree and breed it with a MetalKing.To get Draclord's 2nd form combine a dracolord as the pedigree and breed it with Divinegon.To get a Dracolord combine a Servant as the pedigree and breed it with either Andreal or a GreatDrak.She will want to breed a Skeletor with one of your monsters. Talk to Milayou (your sister) after clearing the Starry Night Tournament.

dragon warrior monsters 2 rom hack

He will want to breed a Metaly with one of your monsters.

  • Talk to the MedalMan after clearing the S class, but before clearing the The Starry Night Tournament.
  • He will want to breed a Yeti with one of your monsters.
  • Talk to Master Teto after clearing the S class, but before clearing the Gate of Reflection.
  • He will want to breed a FangSlime with one of your monsters.
  • Talk to the Medalman after clearing the Gate of Anger, but before clearing the S class.
  • He will want to breed a Rayburn with one of your monsters.
  • Talk to Master May after clearing the Gate of Anger, but before clearing the A class.
  • Talk to master Teto after clearing the the C class, but before clearing the A class.He will want to breed an Eyeder with one of your monsters.
  • He will want to breed a DeadNite with one of your monsters.
  • Talk to Master Mick after clearing the D class, but before clearing the Gate of Anger.
  • He will want to breed a LizardMan with one of your monsters.
  • Talk to master Mick after clearing the E class, but before clearing the D class.
  • He will want to breed an IceMan with one of your monsters.
  • Talk to master Teto after clearing the E class, but before clearing the Gate of Anger.
  • He will want to breed a CatFly with one of your monsters.
  • Talk to the warrior at the restaurant after clearing the E class, but before clearing the Gate of Anger.
  • If you give the monster 4 sirloins then it is almost definite that the monster will join you. Then you can throw as many meat treats as you want without knocking out the monster. When you see the monster you want a useful tip is to use the skill ironise.

    Dragon warrior monsters 2 rom hack